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Expert Tips for Nervous System Regulation | Stella Centre

Expert Tips for Nervous System Regulation | Stella Centre
If you think that you may be experiencing symptoms of emotional trauma, take this PTSD test online or speak to a our Care Advocate now - schedule a call now.

In recent times, the spotlight has shifted towards unraveling the intricate relationship between trauma exposure and its profound impact on both brain and body health.

This evolving conversation places a keen focus on understanding nervous system regulation and its far-reaching effects, fostering a more open dialogue about mental health challenges, reducing stigma, and exploring effective treatment avenues.

This article delves into the fundamental aspects of the nervous system, explores the nuanced workings of this complex system, and introduces  innovative treatment options aimed at promoting optimal nervous system regulation.

The nervous system vital role

At the heart of our exploration lies the nervous system, a master regulator orchestrating vital bodily functions both voluntary or involuntary - such as heart rate, sleep cycles, and cognitive processes. It receives and processes information, and sends signals to activate responses - like reaching for a glass of water when you're thirsty. It governs sensory processing, motor control, emotional regulation, internal system control, and maintaining internal balance which is often referred to as "homeostasis".

Therefore, understanding its intricate workings is essential to comprehend the link between trauma and overall well-being.

The overall nervous system includes two main systems work together to seamlessly transmit the signals and maintain balance: 

  1. Central Nervous System (CNS) - this is your spinal cord and your brain.
  2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - this includes every part of your system that isn't your brain or spinal cord.

Within the PNS, you will find the Automonic Nervous System (ANS). It plays a vital role in responding to stress and regulating bodily functions. Trauma can disrupt the delicate balance, leading to dysregulation and a cascade oof physical and health challenges.

The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)

Our Autonomic Nervous System briefly touched on above contains two main parts, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The SNS is responsible for activating the body's "fight or flight" response in the face of a perceived threat or danger. This response involves the release of hormones like adrenaline, increased heart rate, and a boost in energy, all of which help prepare the body to respond to a perceived threat.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body's "rest and digest" response. It helps keep the body calm and relaxed and is especially active during rest and recovery periods. This is the opposite of the fight or flight response and involves functions like digestion, healing, and growth.

In optimal health, a well-balanced nervous system is essential, wherein the sympathetic system responds appropriately to real environmental threats, swiftly followed by the efficient restoration provided by the "rest and recover" function of the parasympathetic system

Causes and signs of a dysregulated system

Symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system might be easily overlooked or misinterpreted based on various factors such as lifestyle, environment, and personal beliefs. Sharing this information helps your provider gain a comprehensive understanding, enabling them to assess the potential connection between your situation and the symptoms you are encountering.

Trauma exposure can trigger an irregular nervous system response, manifesting as heightened stress, disrupted sleep patterns, and impaired cognitive functions. Recognising these manifestations is crucial for devising targeted interventions to restore balance and promote overall well-being.

Chronic stress, infection, neurological disorders, and environmental and genetic factors can also contribute to a dysregulated response.

This can unfortunately lead to various physical and mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. It could also impact bodily functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and respiration.

Recognising signs of your nervous system healing is paramount for comprehending the effects of dysregulation and finding effective solutions to enhance your overall well-being. This can be challenging, but making this connection is crucial, as dysregulation significantly influences emotional health and quality of life.

Strategies for regulation

Implementing lifestyle modifications, including mindfulness practices, balanced nutrition, social support, and seeking medical assistance, can significantly contribute to nervous system regulation. These strategies, coupled with professional guidance and innovative treatments, offer holistic approaches to promoting wellness.

Explore various approaches to regulate your nervous system effectively: 

  • Mindfulness Practices: engage in mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, meditation, exercise, and yoga. These can promote relaxation and help restore balance.
  • Diet and Nutrition: Nurture your nervous system by adopting a colourful and well-balanced diet. Consuming a diverse range of non-processed foods ensures you receive essential nutrients contributing to your overall neural health.
  • Social Support: Cultivate a strong support network by regularly connecting with those you care about. Foster existing relationships and explore opportunities to form new friendships throughout your life. Social interactions play a crucial role in maintaining emotional well-being and regulating the nervous system
  • Medical Support: Seek professional guidance through regular sessions with a mental health provider. These sessions offer valuable tools, skills, and treatment recommendations. Consider innovative new approaches like the Dual Sympathetic Reset (The Stellate Ganglion Block), ketamine infusion therapy, or medication management, as recommended by your healthcare professional. These interventions may contribute to nervous system regulation and overall mental health.

Successfully regulating the nervous system can yield numerous benefits, including enhanced mental and emotional well-being, reduced anxiety, improved mood, better physical health, and increased cognitive focus. Ongoing support and maintenance are essential for sustaining these positive outcomes, akin to proactive measures taken for physical health maintenance.

For more information on the treatments offered and suitability,  schedule a free consultation with our team or email

Medical interventions

Stella uses multiple approaches when helping regulate the nervous system through individual treatments or a multimodality treatment approach.

The dual sympathetic reset, an advanced stellate ganglion block, interacts with the sympathetic nervous system to help restore normal biological function and can efficiently address many of the most severe symptoms associated with emotional trauma. This is available in Australia.

Ketamine infusion is a quick, innovative, and promising treatment for those looking for care right now. Ketamine IV infusion, the most common type of ketamine treatment, has been shown to be effective in treating mental-health-related conditions within hours. This may not be available in Australia yet however, Stella centre Australia is working on it - please do ask about this!

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